Am I the only one who get's disturbed when around the holidays, ads for casinos and commercials for resorts on tv, try to advertise centering on the holiday theme? They say its supposed to be a season of winning, and tell you they're giving away all this money and prizes. The holidays, more than any time of year, is really the time to give, and I don't think people mean you're money to a slot machine.. People are welcome to get away from that if they want a break, but the media is constantly appealing to our selfish side, which is definately a part of our human nature.
These casino commercials in general tend to show all these attractive women, playing and working there, to appeal to the male demographic, and shows people having fun. In casino ads, it always shows someone winning tons of money, and people who are really excited and happy, surrounded by friends, and look like they're having a lot of fun. This is trying to get the viewer to think that if they go a casino, they're going to be experiencing the same things as the people in the commercial and are going to, and be happy, surrounded by friends, and having a great time. Now, it's obvious that not everyone that goes to casinos to gamble actually wins money, and more often people lose lots of money. In almost all casino commercials, they either show attractive women, food, people surrounded by friend winning money, or giant sums of money flashing across the screen showing all the money you could win. Notice that it says "could".
These commercials almost always use weasel words like could being the main one. You "could" win up to such and such amount of money. You "have a chance" to win such and such car. There isn't any guarantee at all you're going to win anything, all our minds pay attention to is the large amounts of money, most times shown on the screen for further emphasis.
Casinos I would imagine aren't how they're depicted to be in commercials, but te ads keep drawing us in to spend money and gamble, because those commercials to their demographic I'm sure make them look very appealing, using all the bright colors.
It even says right in the title, "holiday giveaway". They're giving away free money for the holidays. They must be so generous. That's the first place your mind goes. I'm pretty sure the only thing they are trying to get you to go there and spend money gambling?
These casinos use holidays as a reason to go heavier on the advertising, but that really shouldn't be what people are concerned about during the holidays. The real meaning of the holidays, even if you aren't religious, is already blurred by all the "buying things and forcing you to spend money" ads we see. Black Friday is many people think of when we hear about Thabksgiving, bits its a holiday invented by the hoverent to get people to spend money. Our economy is dependent on how people spend money and consume things, but a casino commercial centered around that is a little off-putting.
I liked how you talked about how there was only a chance that you might win big in these casinos. So many people rely on this slim chance, and spend their lives in casinos even over the holidays, when really the possibilities of winning thousands of dollars are probably slim to none.